
Thursday, November 21, 2013
One project I have been looking forward to since the kickstarter was announced is Hex, the upcoming MMOTCG!

True confession: TCG's were my first nerddom with magic the gathering. It was the first thing I was allowed to geek out over in my super strict upbringing where girls didn't do boy things. And Cryptozoic found a way to merge them with MMO's? Oh my goodness! That's it, I'm going to miss my family for a while. (or rather they are going to miss me as I plan to dive head first into this thing!)

The game is still in early alpha with kickstarter participants (and very likely friends and family) being among those lucky few who can play. And I just got my invite!

I haven't had a chance to play much unfortunately as a huge wave of invites sent out at once, part of the alpha testing is to slam their servers it seems, but I am in there and I am playing! So far I am totally in love with the fuzzy bunny deck, critters abound and new cards, but I am also still getting to know the cards and working out mechanics between the premades.

After a series of restarts today and maintainance, I can't wait to see if I can play tonight! But wait! I have raid!

Okay after raid, but then it's totally on!


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