But how do you get that first team up there? Well, that's the hard part. Much like your first level capped character, your first level capped team is a lot of hard work.
What I did was stuck with one 'main' pet. I only leveled one pet in my first team from 1-25. I found it was a lot easier to take on higher level pets with my current team and capture them and then switch out one of my two other slots for the freshly caught pet.
This way I was able to concentrate on a zone only long enough to level the one pet (the others were already at level!) and then move on. By the time I got to Outlands the pets (level 25) weren't staying capped so it was just a minor grind to get them all their last few levels and boom! I had a capped team!
I also found this helped me get my safari achievements and find quite a few rares!
Other things that helped:
- Open up dailies as quickly as you can. The XP gains from the dailies and defeating the tamers are enormous and a huge help.
- Horde dailies are in Kalimdor.
- Alliance dailies are in Eastern Kingdoms.
- Check out the tamers before you jump into battle! They will have their pets running around them. Clicking on the pets will give you their levels and types.
- If your team can't beat a tamer wait a few levels and come back. This is much quicker then leveling a new pet that has the type advantage.
- Have fun!